high priestess how someone sees you

Regarding the archetype of religion that they both represent it looks like a Yin-Yang distinction in some ways. By knowing when you can change something, or that theres nothing else to do than to accept what has happened and move on, you will discover a simple, yet vital truth that will help you to better understand the world and yourself. The High Priestess often plays the role of the feminine spiritual guide, so dont be surprised when your phone rings and your friend asks for advice, hanging on your every word! As always, accompanying cards will help you determine what the High Priestess means in a career reading. The simplest solution requires minimum effort, accomplishing everything without trying and struggling like light removes darkness in the succession of night and day. There may be two opposing feelings that are building up and have not surfaced yet. The beauty of the High Priestess is unquestionable. Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means Yes. High Priestess how someone sees you High Priestess as how someone sees you - very intuitive, wise and yes mysterious; - he/she is hiding his feelings at the moment and is not prepared to do anything about it just quite yet; - secretive and quiet; High Priestess deity High Priestess deity Egyptian - Isis (as priestess) The High Priestess is a call to trust in the power of your intuition which means trusting in the power of your soul. It also indicates that the significant element in your life should be nurturing your inner feelings, your inner world, and not allowing yourself to be affected by others emotions. This is about the expansion of consciousness and inner bliss. The two sides of all creation may clash in conflict and confusion but they are complementary to each other, and together they form a greater picture. Regarding finances, it can indicate that you may get some good opportunities, which you need into consideration of how much money you are going to make. They admire your ability to speak the truth. Patiently waiting. The High Priestess holds the number 2, and it is the third Tarot Card of the Major Arcana cards. Your heart will know the answer. Be that as it may, the reserved character of the High Priestess makes her a friend to admire. The person of interest believes theres more than meets the eye with you. The High Priestess appears when you are not meant to know the outcome or the action you should take. Shes admired for her talents, her intuition, and her steadfast, albeit introvert character. - If this is a relationship, maybe a larger (not too big, just a few cards) spread would help clarify how things are going as they affect you both; - you might remind someone from his past; - as walking away from something unfulfilling or disappointing to look for something bigger and better; - In a love context as someone pretty desirable as you can "satisfy" his needs baby; - people see you as a person whom they feel comfortable with; - the person in question, recognizes the potential re: the situation being inquired into; - Kind of sweet, a tender-hearted person; - When he thinks of me he feels loving, nurturing, protective, patriarchal; - Ace is always good in relationship. A calm surface can hide intense emotions, and even seemingly simple dates can turn into raging passions. For the High Priestess card, to enter into a relationship means committing to that unexplainable inner knowing and attraction, and bringing that out openly to the surface. She represents unconditional love and wanting whats best for the other. Avoid those who ignore your feelings and disrespect your value as a human being. In later wall paintings and sculptures, the same crown is worn by Isis, queen-goddess of life, magic, and healing. She suggests careful consideration and reflection before deciding to make any kind of move. The High Priestess describes a person who wants peace and quiet in their home. Minnow Pond TarotLearn To Read Tarot From Me!https://minnow-pond-tarot-school.teachable.com/p/tarot-master-classDonations Accepted with gratitude https:/. When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. What Does the High Priestess Mean in Love & Relationships? She welcomes any emotion while maintaining a balanced and clear state of mind. This spread would indicate that you are someone who knows how to deal with every situation that comes their way. It could otherwise be a place that personally makes you feel anxious and uneasy, far from your comfort zone. You may have guessed wrong, or your question may be misplaced. To enter the mystical world, one has to be adequately prepared, for theres no greater benefit in life than knowledge and wisdom. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us | About Us. We just want to know how our day will look like, or how we should approach the day ahead. You are someone they feel they can share all of their secrets with, and they wish to deepen this relationship with your even more. She will be strongly devoted to at least one aspect of her life, be that a family, a career, art, helping others, etc. Her beauty is the beauty of God; timeless and irrevocable. The second card of the Major Arcana and the first woman in the series is the High Priestess. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. The main meanings associated with the High Priestess are: As feelings, the High Priestess indicates a powerful bond between two individuals. Observe your problems from a distance and, in time, more choices and solutions will present themselves. So they are a couple in a sense but more as archetypes and on a higher plane. Want to know what a certain Tarot card means for how someone sees you? The best you can do is to try and help them see that suffering is a perceived impurity that begins in the mind, and therefore, an illusion. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. The High Priestess appears in the guise of a nun, a virtuous woman who has devoted herself to God (or to the Goddess). Can indicate them seeing person as willing to surrender perhaps; - that he feels deeply for her, his feelings shine brightly for all to see, and his feelings are probably very pure as well, untainted by selfish desires; - convention, an almost unsurmountable obstacle in my own personal experience and therefore somewhat discouraging; - very intuitive, wise and yes mysterious; - The person either is from their past (and judged them harshly, or changed their life) or they're not. This means that when you see this card, it is likely that you are someone who is able to see things from both a spiritual and a physical perspective. If you pull The High Priestess in reverse, it indicates a day when you may feel exhausted, lacking mental clarity, and having emotional outbursts. ); - In the 3 of Wands, the ships are coming back to port. Trust in yourself and trust in the High Priestess! That person whose life is always the worst and who complains about how horrible it all is. Representing the ability to learn, teach, and nurture, she fosters understanding and harmony. It could be a sign of moral reservations, shame, and holding back from what they want. Not involving unless you have all the information. Read this next: You Pulled the World Card Now What? I quess you can be a player if those two things are relationships. Repeating positive affirmations daily to yourself to help you enhance your own intuition and inner wisdom is a great way to harness the energy of the High Priestess. This card signifies a truly intimate relationship, almost an unspoken connection, which can be both platonic or romantic. Magician as How Someone Sees You. In a reverse position, The High Priestess would mean precisely the opposite of its core qualities, bringing in the drawing: There are also spreads where the tarot cards pulled are placed on vertical as well as horizontal positions. She may seem cold and distant like the moon because her faith and her purity are truly otherworldly. You may have disappointed them and theyve misread your calm and quiet character as bleak indifference. This combination also advises you to nurture your divine feminine energy with meditation and self care. Have patience and listen to your intuition. Reversed Position: If you pull the card in a reversed position, it means No. In both cases, meditation helps immensely. What About the High Priestess in Reverse? Theres no shame in admitting a mistake, as long as you find the goodwill to make things right and recover. Your email address will not be published. If a solution is what you need, let the solution come to your mind. The resulting isolation separates one from the environment, and ultimately from the true self. Pentacles being about rewards and manifestation. Furthermore, the card may represent a feminine guide, a psychic, or a spiritual person who is receptive to energies and auras, an apt judge of character. Relationships, especially ones that require long-term commitment, need patience and determination. The conscious mind can interfere with intuition when the thoughts and urges find no release. The person of interest believes there's more than meets the eye with you. The same goes for a reversed High Priestess. Once you quiet any external influences, opinions, or criticisms, and clear them away from your mind, you will uncover what your next step should be. Think of a butterfly. the reader . Someone who was born under the sign of Cancer is a sensitive, eccentric figure who seeks joy and security, as well as to protect their loved ones. They see you need someone stable, you have done your reflection, and you are sure about what you want. As always, your intuition is your best bet. When the High Priestess appears reversed as the current or imminent state of affairs, it means that you have lost your patience, forgotten to trust your inner voice, and made a mistake that goes against your moral code. If someone feels the High Priestess for you, it means there is a deep connection you both share, one which neither of you may be able to explain. Be wary if this card comes up during a love reading as a potential interpretation suggests obsession; if someone is romantically interested in you it signifies overly intense sentiments bordering on infatuation. The High Priestess defines a situation where patience, stability, and reflection are of the utmost importance. The scroll of Divine Law becomes a list of arbitrary proclamations, shallow morality, and inflexible, selfish rules. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. The High Priestess is a card of non-action. Although the positive traits of the High Priestess may appear even when reversed and vice versa, it is essential to examine each card from every possible angle. There is absolute trust and honesty on their side. Whats the truth beyond all the drama, coldness, and distancing? Whichever method you use to pull the card, listed below are some of the questions and answers you may get when you pull The High Priestess. You are able to see the connections between the two worlds and how they interact with one another. Your plans need time to materialize. Like one who has given up on all petty expectations and has faith in the will of the universe for better or for worse, the High Priestess urges those who seek her advice to look no further. When she appears in a reading, its a sign to still the mind, listen to your inner voice, and look for answers within. However, one might correlate this headpiece with the Crown of Hathor, a solar disk between cow horns. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess also comes with advice. When the High Priestess appears to you, you may be in a position to understand the dualism of the world or . We cannot stress this enough. You know how to handle issues and how to communicate effectively and get your point across, so do not fall into the trap of debates unless you need to protect yourself, your reputation, or your work. Let go of rigidity and make way for the excitement of the Empress. It can indicate that you have a good mentor who is helping you to push forward or is teaching you the tricks of the trade. Time heals, but it is never too kind and waits for no one. The High Priestess is a sign of deep and pure love. All of Sibyl's content on Tarot cards as how someone sees you is linked below. We also have to accept that all people change in time, and too often things are not what they seem. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. i don't like being idealized, but that's what i get from the high priestess. It may leave you confused and lead you to create conflicts at work. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. Well, youre not fooling anyone! It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. The advice of the High Priestess is precise and subtle. This reading is usually done in the morning, so you form an idea of what that day will bring you. You may be misunderstanding words and intentions, scrutinizing details instead of just trusting yourselves and remembering that you are truly loved for who you are. The feminine principle of this card is all about receptivity and acceptance, where two become one, not by summation and union, but in a spirit of progression and conjunction. When a persons desires and intentions align with the High Priestess card, it means they want to be more spiritual, authentic, and calm. They may not be able to figure you out because you are always talking about something else. But a message of patience does not invite others to tread all over you. They can read others like they were open books and not because of keen eyesight. Reversed, the High Priestess can be translated to emotions of guilt and shame. Some people, perhaps an unfortunate majority, like the glamour and newsworthiness of intensity and emotional instability, and it is true that someone in an emotionally stable relationship has no dramas to workshop with her friends over a coffee, so perhaps she's boring - to others. Vekke Sind, The Empress Tarot Card 35 Interpretations! - he sees her as something of a mystery (since it's a new relationship), that he has romantic fantasies but no idea what the reality might be; - intelligent ( spiritual and reasonably warm ); - the universe never gives you more than you can handle; Optimistic. She could be hiding her beauty, holding on to moral values and a pious faade to cover up confusion, or trying to create the impression shes unattainable and special. Is the career youre pursuing what you really want? You'll always come back. Loneliness and frustration, giving up on yourself and blindly trusting others, or simply being silent in a time when your voice needs to be heard; the negative aspects of the High Priestess define a state of mind where uncertainty, doubt, and passivity have taken the place of wisdom and enlightenment. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. It has 6 sound options including Thunder, the sound of the Ocean, a summer night, rain and white noise. Is the High Priestess Tarot Card a Yes or No? If you have pulled the High Priestess Tarot card in a reading, then it means her energy has special meaning for you at this time! Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! They want to help, support, and inspire you, although not directly! If the High Priestess comes up for what they want to happen between you both, it indicates that they would like to explore this connection further and take things to the next level on a spiritual basis. The answer can be negative but the tables can turn with a careful and considerate approach. Id love to hear about your experience. She abandons the world to hide from the judgment of others, leaving for a place where solitude and contemplation will serve as penance for her sins. You do not know how to balance each other out because you do not have that kind of connection with each other. You may have let others opinions get to you, affecting your choices and productivity. Play some gentle meditation music if it helps. Colored black and white, they hint at the coexistence of opposites, and the notion that one must accept and know the dual nature of all things to enter this sacred space. Its also a sign for students that theyre on the right track. View this as a chance to face your feelings so you can slowly rebuild a strong foundation. The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . Every mistake you made will make your life easier if you are willing to revisit what went wrong with understanding and patience. About laying down rules. Make no mistake; the person youre wondering about perceives you as a beautiful, unique, and mysterious being. While this can seem like a veil, its not hiding anything. The High Priestess Tarot Card as an Obstacle / Challenge, The High Priestess Reversed as an Obstacle / Challenge, The High Priestess Tarot Card as an Outcome, The High Priestess Reversed as an Outcome, The High Priestess Tarot Card in the Future, The High Priestess Reversed in the Future, The High Priestess Tarot Card as a Person, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Interesting. You see I see both the Empress and High Priestess as the emodiment of 'feminine' energy. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. It is wise to know when to stay away from a battle when the chance of success is thin. You need to understand what you value most, the relationship, or you being right because, in a moment of anger, you may say things you do not want to achieve. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. Your email address will not be published. Her virtue is, as weve already established, patience. In reverse, the High Priestess warns you that you are closing the door to your intuition. Doing this will help remove the obstacle you are confronted with. This could be a soulmate connection, especially if combined with the 2 of Cups, 6 of Cups, or the Lovers. Perhaps you didnt trust your intuition and wound up in a job that doesnt fit you. The number 3 in terms of relationships to me points to the union of 2 people to make 1 relationship. However strange this may seem, this card can mean Yes AND No.. Have you been hiding your true self, out of anxiety or stubbornness? How can you trust your feelings when your mind is blocking the way? There can only be one way to interpret the High Priestess when she appears in the advice position: there are hidden aspects to the situation that you have to discover before deciding what to do. Maybe you wanted to be the first one to discover a secret, and now the dangers and afflictions of knowing too little have fallen upon you. The High Priestess card points to a quiet, mystical and ancient place, like a shrine or a secluded temple. Sometimes it is your partner who does. They may have been ignoring the signs and messages of life and looking for answers in the wrong place. They aspire to be creative and enjoy the little things in life, always seeking stability and a beautiful stillness, like that of an old photo. Crystals such as Angelite and moonstone can also help to increase this energy. Or you have stagnated, refusing to act and develop your hidden, dormant talents. Librarians, writers, poets, and journalists may identify with the High Priestess and find affirmation and inspiration when she appears in a reading.

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